March 15, 2015

True Friends

When I was a child, I changed friends like dirty clothes. Sometimes, due to someone moving to a new city or a new school, other times because of childhood drama that came and go as often as the sun rises and sets.
In High School, I was the odd man out (uh...girl). I didn't quite fit in. I didn't really belong. My friends were those who, like me, stood out too much to blend in with this clique or that group. Ours was a comrodare of existence, not necessarily of similarity; so, once High School was over, so was our friendships.
Upon entering college, my goal was to make friends! I wanted to be popular. I wanted to belong! I wanted to go to parties and out on dates. I wanted to be "cool" and I thought the key was in blending in with the crowd. But that was short lived and left me very unsatisfied. I had to change myself to fit in, and eventually, it became too much of an effort for me to keep up such a facade. I grew tired and irritated with myself, as did everyone around me. One by one, I lost every friend that I tried so hard to change myself for... and I lost myself in the process.

Fast forward eight years after college, I now know the worth that God has given me. I know understand and appreciate His calling over my life and His gift of Salvation, through Jesus. Once I began to grow in Him and keep my heart in His word, He began to bring people into my life who could love me, for who He made me to be! I can smile to myself at the miracle of true friendships that Christ has surrounded me with.
We all come from different backgrounds, life experiences and testimonies. We all have different hopes for the future and goals for our lives, but what we do have in common is Jesus! We don't take from each other, rather we invest in one another. We love, lift up, correct and support one another, all for the sake of Jesus. I don't have to be someone I'm not. I can be me: quirky, sensitive and silly, with a dash of vanity! I can confess my short comings with out being rejected and I can extend my advice, knowing that it falls on hearts who appreciate me. Isn't it a wonder how, when we begin to seek God with all our hearts, he ushers in people who can love us the way He does!

Last night, I celebrated my birthday with all of my friends! It was the first birthday for me that included a group of people, happy to see me and eager to love me! I cry as I write this, because it's taken me a lifetime to enjoy and experience this kind of closeness with other women in a mature and mutual way. I don't say this to hurt any of my friends from the past, but I see a difference between Christian friendships and those based off of other interests. In Christ, I have security and my friendships fall right in line with that. In Christ, I have purpose, a hope and a future; my sisters in Christ remind me of that in every hug, every laugh, every conversation and yes, even in every argument. I see Jesus in them and I experience that unconditional love through my friendships with them. They make me want to strive harder in Christ! They make me want to push myself to shine my light for the Lord!

If you don't know what it's like to have a strong core group of Christian friends, let me encourage you to ask the Lord for some. I know there are thousands of women out there, searching for like minded people to walk this journey with. God will connect you to the right people, you just have to ask him for the guidance and direction to find them!

As I close this note, I want to just tell all my Pearls how much I love them! (I LOVE YOU!!!) I'm so thankful for each and every one of you! Thank you for being a part of my journey with Jesus! Thank you for sharing your lives and your hearts with me! Thank you for loving my husband and I and thank you for encouraging me to rock my life for Christ! You girls are an answered prayer, and I don't think you will ever know how much you all truly mean to me!

I love you, Pearls!


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