May 29, 2016

A Wardrobe to Live By!

It's a Saturday morning and you are off to meet some friends for lunch! You complete your morning routine, as usual, bun your hair up and head for the closet. As you peel back the rows of clothes that hang in your wardrobe, you instinctively reach for a cute, selfie-appropriate dress! Even though you purchased it a year ago, the tags are still hanging from the collar. You tried it on several times in the store before you bought it and have been keeping it for just the right moment. You begin the process of putting it on, which becomes less than effortless. The bust area is too tight, the zipper won't budge and the waist line seems to squeeze the life out of you! As you stare at your reflection in the mirror, you realize that, despite it's beauty, it just doesn't fit quite right.   "No matter", you think, "It used to fit. Maybe no one will notice" and you walk out the door, in less than perfect style.

Its funny to think about purposefully leaving the house with zippers unzipped or hemlines that are
crooked. I  hope that, in real life, we would never EVER do this to ourselves. Hopefully, we would never purposefully wear clothes that we could not walk, non the less, breathe in. But the truth is, whether we are aware of it or not, spiritually, we are all guilty of wearing things we have out grown, heedless that they are no longer attractive. In our daily living we can put on things that hide the beauty that is ours in Christ. Sure, we might notice a little problem in our attitude here and there or we may recognize that a couple of motives should be checked, but instead of dealing with those concerns, we drape a necklace over it and walk out the door. We can wear attitudes, mindsets and ill gotten intensions, oblivious of how they make us look to those who are watching.

We can mistake unforgiveness as strength, not realizing that the anger we are wearing no longer fits in our life. The person you hope to scold has actually moved on, while you are still in the moment, reliving it every time they come to mind. It's time to fold those feelings away. Human anger cannot produce the goodness of God in your life or in any other situation (James 1:20). Society loves a good feud and, if we listen to what is popular in our world, we might just find ourselves wearing the wrong types of emotions. Instead, God wants us to trade in our anger by putting on kindness and forgiveness. They may not be trendy, but I promise you they will feel good and look great!

Maybe there is a relationship that you are trying to hold onto that just isn't fitting anymore. Every time you try to secure a button, another one just pops off. You give your best efforts, but the stitches continue to unravel. It might be time to place it in the "Goodwill" pile! What won't fit in your life, might be perfect for someone else! As women, I think our eternal flaw is believing that we can hold onto relationships forever, but like a summer dress, relationships are sometimes seasonal- not meant to weather every storm. Sometimes, it's more loving to part as friends, than to split as enemies. Knowing when to let go is a grace in and of itself! You don't want to be caught off guard wearing gloves in the spring or sandals in the snow! Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything and that everything is beautiful in its time! But forcing to keep what God is asking you to let go of will result in catastrophe! The best thing to do, in this case, is to lay those garment...err, relationships, down and ask the Lord for His guidance. He will show you what  you need to do (John 14:26), in a mature and loving manner, as to not rip apart and tear hearts.

Another area we may be outgrowing is in the area of our personal devotion time with God. This is hard to believe, but as we follow Christ, it should result in growth and change, not perpetual behavior. Yes, we have our "go-to" books and our "go-to" sermons; we have our trusty quotes and our comfortable prayers, but what if, as we progress through life, God is asking us to try on bigger shoes or longer britches? We can become complacent in even our worship if we refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to challenge us. It might be time for a wardrobe change: exchanging our sweat shirt and jeans for something more proper. This may be uncomfortable at first, but building our faith by challenging our comfort zones will bring on maturity in our lives so that we can be better positioned to complete the good work that God has purposed for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Sometimes, our usual methods won't produce the spiritual figures that is required for us in the long run. Maybe it's time to box away our conventional attempts of praise and allow our hearts to be lead down untrodden paths that the Lord may be trying to guide us on. High Heels are cute and flats are comfy, but maybe this time, we need to put them away in their boxes and trade them in for some hiking shoes!

As I write to each of you, I am in self reflection. I am looking at my present state in life and I definitely see somethings that I cannot allow myself to wear any more, no matter how much I still enjoy them. It doesn't have to be too small or too big in order for it not to be the best fit. Maybe something fits perfectly, but it's out of season.
I remember, just recently, I walked out the house with sandals and a crop top, unaware that the weather called for a 60% chance of rain. I was bummed and embarrassed. I should have considered the environment before I selected my attire. We can all admit to making a wardrobe flop once in a while. So, what then can we do to be sure that our spiritual clothes are not the wrong size for us or that we are appropriately dressed for the right environment?
In the natural world, a mirror is the best way to check out your reflection, and, to be honest, a mirror is one of my favorite tools to use! I love mine! I have about 4! You can check your face, your hair, your body and your outfits. You can use a mirror to take cute selfies or to fix any problems that you might discover about your reflection. Many of us (and tell the truth) even carry mirrors in our bags! They are a staple in our daily routine. God has also provided  us with His own type of mirror, through His word, so that we can check ourselves before we venture out into the world and  before we engage with other people, so that we can reflect on who we are and who we are called to be and look like. We can use scripture to determine if what we are wearing is inappropriate for us or if it no longer fits. We can use scripture as our mirror to determine if we are looking like Jesus!
According to James, "Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do" (James 1:23-25).

That is truly the most embarrassing wardrobe mistake of all... not knowing what you look like! I cringe at the thought of even the smallest bit of lipstick on my teeth or a shirt that has been worn backwards! Ladies, we are GORGEOUS, but if we are not living according to the scriptures, even the most prettiest of us will look foolish. So, my challenge to us all is to use God's words to self reflect this week and every day for that matter! Is this attitude out of date for me? Are these goals I have my heart set on expired and too small for me? What about my prayer life- Does it fit? Is this relationship in or out of season? Let's be sure to pattern our lives, not just our words, according to scripture so that we can reflect God's love in our hearts for others to see! His Love is always trending and it never goes out of style! 

Dress carefully, intentionally and lovingly!


May 1, 2016

YOU are Someone's Answer to Prayer!

I think it's safe to say that we all place value on belonging; we all want to be accepted, valued, loved and considered. We all want to have the sense of knowing that we are important and special to someone else. But, many of us have suffered from looking for such relationships in the wrong places. In High School, some of us may have tried to get approval by going against the grain; by rebelling against our parents and teachers- making choices that we'd much rather forget. In college, maybe the trend continued, or maybe, we poured ourselves into trying to find romantic relationships, our studies and our friends- not interested in letting other people into our small circle. Maybe that's not your story, but odds are, you know the pain of wanting to belong. You know the strain of hoping to be accepted and included, with no ulterior motives and no strings attached.

In my life, this has been the cause of many tears on my pillow; it has been my hearts cry through out my high school and college years and, though I am an adult now, it still pulls at my heart strings when I notice others who feel on the outside and want to be grafted in to a group- any group- that might have even an inkling of interest in them, because I understand. I understand how important it is to be apart of something or someone that we deem to be great. But if pursuing such relationships is our focus, we could be in danger of overlooking how pivotal our lives can be in adding value to others.

In Christ, there are no outsiders. There is only love and all are welcomed and included. There is no one who is too cool, too important or too good. We are all valued and held in high regard, because Christ loves us, just the way we are. I've never known so much acceptance before I met Christ, and now that I am in Christ, I see Him pour love and friendship freely into my life, through other people and for other people. And I am honored to receive and give in such a manner, not just with my friends, but in my family, in my community and in my world. I am blessed to have Pearls of Hope to pour myself into, but more importantly, I am blessed that what I pour out is not in vain. 

Pearls of Hope is not a clique. We are not an exclusive club or a secret sisterhood. We are just regular girls who followed God's love and accidentally bumped into each other along the way. We share more than casual laughs on a Friday night. We share each other's lives. We pray for one another, because we care. We pitch in to help those in need, encourage each other to believe in who God says we are and we hold each other accountable to be our upmost best out of truth and love. We're not perfect, but we trust a perfect God and He says that we belong!
This past month, we've received 2 emails from girls we've never met, who have expressed a longing to find friends who are focused on God. Neither of the authors of these emails live in North Carolina and they shared how much they wished they could find a place where they belonged. Maybe they are not alone in their feelings. Maybe, underneath it all, we just want to belong; we just want to feel loved and important. And you do! You do belong- regardless of your past, your present or your choice in future. You have a special place in Christ, if you only allow Him to produce His love in you and live in obedience in your life. I promise, the results are incredible and Christ will begin to send people your way who will encourage and support your efforts in Him!

All of us, at one time or another, felt alone. We have all felt overlooked, misunderstood and have even struggled in our Christian walk, but God knows that "it is not good for man to be alone" (Gen. 2: 18). And so, in this life with Christ, success comes when we live life corporately, not individually. God began to bring the right people at the right time and it has been a blessing that we hope to continue to share with anyone who is interested in joining us! We are friends, not because we have some secret recipe; not because we've grown up our whole lives together or even because we just have so much in common. No, our friendships are based on the one true fact that Christ loves us all and has given us a love to share with each other and with the entire world, no matter who and no matter what!

If you are still searching for a place to belong, I'd like to challenge you to pray and ask the Lord to give you friends with whom you can enjoy and encourage. Ask for guidance in choosing the right people to be apart of your life- people who will encourage you to do and be the best that you can be and people who will push you forward, not hold you back! There are so many individuals who are praying for a friend like you to enter their lives! YOU are someone's answer to prayer! Don't doubt the importance that your life brings or the impact that you can create just by walking into a room. I promise  you, you are so special, not because of what you do or who you associate yourself with, but you are special because of who loves you, and that is Christ!

Love others and let God's love shine through you! Be a friend and look for opportunities to be friendly! There is so much good we can all do in the world, but it first starts with seeking God to connect us with people that we can grow, love and learn with. No one is an island! It takes a team... a tribe, and that is what makes the journey so incredibly wonderful and fun!
Have fun, make friends and have faith!