November 15, 2015

Be Thankful in Prayer

As many of you know, my friends and I are getting ready to endeavor upon an out of the country missions trip to Roatan, Honduras. We will be ministering to young women, ages 12-25 (approximately). In our training, we are learning scripture, how to share our testimony and how to leave our comfort zones. At yesterday's training, I grew in my faith from all the sharing and exchanging that went on between my friends and I. It was so powerful to green from everyone's confidence and interpretation of what God is doing in their lives and how they want so much more of Him. It's a powerful thing when you see others seeking the Lord, because, in the best case scenario, it usually causes you to operate in a deeper desire for Him, as well.

In light of the tragedy that is swooping over the whole world, we as Christians have a very unique opportunity to not only pray for those who are hurting and less fortunate than ourselves, but to also lift up our hearts in thankfulness for all God has done, is doing and will continue to do in our lives. There is no telling what my friends and I will encounter in Honduras. There is no telling how truly horrific the lasting affects of the attacks in France have left it's citizens. There is no telling how every day people are suffering in their circumstances, confused in their purposes or weary in their well doing. There is no telling because, in reality, we are truly only ever capable of completely understanding our own situations. We can empathize with people, but we are not mind readers. We cannot assume the issues of others and interpret everything the way that particular individual is interpreting their own situation. We can really only handle our own hurt, confusion, frustration or disappointment. Yet, in spite of where we are or where we may recognize others to be, we have so much to be thankful for.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Sometimes, even though we know in our heads to be thankful, it takes some effort to practice thankfulness from our hearts. So how can we push through the need to complain or fight our feelings of being unsatisfied? How can we ignore our pain that can seem to overwhelm us at times, or how do we overcome our own frustrations and disappointments? How do we forgive world tragedies, like
what's happening in Paris, and really trust that God has it all in control? Well, first, we must recognize that it's normal to have these moments and feelings; it's normal to forget to be thankful. This is why the Bible reminds us, in Colossians, to be thankful in prayer (Colossians 4:2). There are times where we must pray! There are times when all hope seems to be lost, when we cannot stand any longer, when anger wants to swell up within us and when life just seems to be unjust. So, we must pray! For us, for others and for the world! But in our prayers, we must be thankful.

Scripture says that "this world is not my home", (Hebrews 13:14). It's easy to get uneasy and fidgety when you are homesick. Our hearts cry out for more than this world can offer, but while we are in this world, we must realize that God has and will continue to provide for all that we need, in every area of our lives- physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and so on and so forth. He does not have a blind eye to our existence. He sees it all and He cares so greatly. His desire is to give all of His children good things (Matthew 7:11).
No, this does not mean that God will remove all our hard times. More than likely, He will not drop a million dollars in your pocket, or propel you to the top of your career instantly; neither does this mean that the man of your dreams will magically appear and fulfill your every dream and wish. In the experience of life, there will be tears and doubt, but God is love! His provision for our lives consists beyond the material. He wants to provide us with more of Him- more love, peace, patience, grace, mercy, wisdom, worship, truth, joy, light...ect. All these things are summed up in our relationship with Jesus and He longs to give us so much more, if we but only ask! We are not eradicated from the troubles of this life, but through the troubles, God is there and provides what we need in the midst of every storm and season. These provisions allow us to persevere through this life and in this world, that is not our true home. As we continue to grow and pursue Christ, we will live a more thankful life, produced in our hearts out of Love for our AMAZING God and result in prayers that will change what we ourselves cannot! So be thankful, in good times and in trying times, because God is mighty and a constant friend. He will not abandon us in our hour of need.

Yes, the whole entire world seems to keep flipping itself upside down and in spite of our humanitarian efforts, our global donations, our walks for this cause or that cause, even our well intended hugs with friends who need us most, we are of no excuse to loose hope. Life my be chaotic, and things may not always go our way, but we have everything we need in Christ, and therefore, we must choose to be thankful in all things; remembering those who are hurting, of course, and lift them up in prayer.
As we continue living in thankfulness that our God is always there, we are better able to serve and aid those around us who need to know His love! After all, that truly is our purpose: to love people and point them to the God who loves them more. We have a unique opportunity to not only help the physical situations, but to help in the spiritual as well. The truth of the matter is that there is evil in this world, and it's obvious. Its not a person or a particular group of people, it is just the enemy of sin and it  wants to defy God and take away our hope, our love and our attitude of gratitude. But we must be strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10)! We must remain in faith and in His love, because there are people who are counting on our prayers. We must remind ourselves, even in the trials, that God is faithful and will never break His promises. We have so much to be thankful for, because we have a God who loves us!

Here are some scriptures to remind and encourage us all to give thanks, often and sincerely, for all the Lord has done... and really, just because He is! As these scriptures encourage you, let's all continue to pray for the hearts that are hurting in Paris, and all over the world for that matter. In spite of such tragedy, God is still near. He is not ignorant to what is going on. He is not busy doing other things. He sees the pain and He hears the cries. He loves us through our darkest moments and His light will shine when all else fades. I am so thankful to know a God who will one day right all wrongs. If for nothing else, I am thankful for His love, not just for me, but for the entire world.

Ten Reasons Why Christians Should be the Most Thankful:
1. We have been adopted as sons and daughters by the King of the universe (Galatians 4:4-6.)
2. We have been saved from the penalty of sin (Colossians 1:13,14.)
3. We have true security and significance in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10.)
4. We are part of a global fellowship of spiritual brothers and sisters (1 Peter 5:9.)
5. We are being saved from the power of sin (1 Corinthians 1:18.)
6. We have a cause, THE CAUSE, to live for here on earth (Matthew 28:19.)
7. We are engaged in an epic struggle against a dangerous arch enemy…so life’s never
    boring (Ephesians 6:10-12.)
8. We will be saved from the presence of sin someday soon (Philippians 1:5,6.)
9. Our movies are getting better (they had nowhere to go but up…I wish I had Scriptural
     support for this point.)
10. Because Jesus has conquered death we will too! (1 Corinthians 15…the whole
      awesome chapter!)
List provided by Greg Stier, from his website,

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