November 29, 2015

Great and Mighty Things

Happy holidays to you all!!! I pray each of you had an amazing Thanksgiving with your loved ones. The Pearls and I enjoyed a friends get together, in addition to our families and enjoyed good food and funny #thanksgivingwithblackfamilies hashtags!
Its always interesting for me to get together with family. Of course, there are those individuals that you keep up with throughout the year, but I especially love getting together with those you don't see so often; especially the children! its amazing to see them grow and change and watch their personalities. For example, one of my younger cousins was just getting into everything! His mother does not eat pork, yet somehow he ended up with some ham on his plate. The whole night, he begged for cookies, and snuck at lest 3 or 4. He was told to settle down, read his book, don't talk with his mouth opened. He was a talkative, rambunctious boy and i loved it! clearly, his mom had her hands full with him. She breathed her fair share of sighs over his activities, but what was so precious is that in spite of his rowdy ways, she was never too tired to give him hugs and the love that all children need. She was there for her son, when he called for her, regardless of his previous incidences. How sweet to know that our God makes himself available to us in the same way!

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

much like my little cousin, spiritually, we are all rumbunctious children. We all get into mischief and sin, exploring what is not necessary for us, trying things that will harm us, hiding the truth out of fear and sometimes, we even hide from God. But it never changes his love for us. We want to believe that Gods presence is some reward for the upstanding and righteous things that we do, yet scripture shows us time and again that God makes himself near to those whose unruly ways are out of control. Consider Moses, the murderer, Jacob, the liar, Rehab, the prostitute and Peter, with his foul mouth! Each of us has sin to over come, struggles to deny and issues to grow from, and in the midst of it all, if we but just call out to God, He wants to answer us and be near to us!

Yes, there are times in our lives when we feel so close to God, when our walk seems blameless and all our prayers are being answered left and right. We feel victorious, we feel God's presence and are aware of His blessings. It's easy to proclaim the faithfulness of God during these times in our lives; it's easy to approach the throne of Grace with boldness...But what about the other times? What about when we are knee deep in regrets and struggles? What about when our shame envelopes us with sorrow and we cannot find the words to pray? What happens when our mistakes seem unending or when life throws unexpected, unplanned problems in our path? Are we not to seek God in these times? Should we not look to heaven? Is there some how a revocation upon our welcome at the throne of Grace?

In Jeremiah 33:3, the Lord speaks to Israel, a nation who is notorious in scripture for their unruly, disobedience and unfaithfulness to God. However, the Lord does not disqualify them from His presence; His does not dismiss them because of their faults. Instead, He invites them to call upon His name. He urges them to approach Him, despite their inadequacies and not only to call on Him, but to expect an answer from Him!!!

God cares about everything we go through. He cares about the flowers and the sparrows, so how much more will He pour out His compassion and love towards us, His children, who are made in His image?! There are great and mighty things in store for you and it is God's will and pleasure to produce them in you! It doesn't matter where you are coming from, what mistakes you have made in the past, or even your current condition. The fact is, God was present even in our sin... yes, even in our mistakes and in our unfaithfulness, His loving kindness and Grace abounds (Romans 5:20). He loves you- every part of you, every experience you go through, every struggle, victory, trial and accomplishment. He wants to love you through it all... just call to Him and He will answer. Put your faith in Him and He will show you marvelous and wonderful things! You are never too far and never too close for God to use and work His amazing love in you!

Be encouraged!


November 20, 2015

Together, We Can Do This!

Do you know why people don't like Christians? It's because there is a rumor that we talk but never do. That we preach but never follow through. That we judge but never change. It's a difficult stereotype to combat. The media portrays Christians to be dedicated toward outbursts of name calling the people we are suppose to be loving; finger pointing at the hurting, ignoring the needy and rejecting those who are different; but none of this is Jesus, therefore, none of this is true Christianity.
Labels can be a powerful thing and the message behind the label can spread to anyone who seems to resemble the majority. The problem is, there are a lot of people who wear the "Christian" label, but are not really Christians at all. They claim the name, but don't live the life. They sing the songs, but don't practice the messages and they make a bad name for those who are sincere in their efforts for Christ. Today, I'm here to not only tell you, but show you, that not all Christians conduct themselves in hypocrisy. Some people of the Christian faith really do implement what they believe in their daily living. Some really try to be the hands and heart of Christ, regardless of the situation, outcome or recognition.

Pearls of Hope strive to be those very Christians. We want to shed light and love and hope wherever we go: at work, in church, in our homes, during our private times, in our conversations and in the way we deal with everyday people. We want to be strong representatives of Christ and love the way he does. This March, we will be given the opportunity to do exactly that and we are so excited and overwhelmed at the opportunity to reach into the remote parts of the world and authentically practice our faith. We do not know what awaits for us, but we do know that we are not afraid! We are determined to live in a way that discounts the popular belief that Christians are fake. We want our lives to prove that prayer is real, powerful and necessary in our world today! We want to give of ourselves in efforts that people can walk away from us and know that they are loved and valued, no matter their background.

For 3 years, we have done just this within our own communities, right here in North Carolina. Wehave enjoyed Bible studies that taught us and challenged us, and then we have held each other accountable to practice these lessons in tangible ways, not just within the walls of the church, but in
the real world. Looking forward, we have great expectations regarding our Mission Trip to Roatan, Honduras, working with the indigenous Garifuna peoples. This community has been rejected by the mainstream society because of their unique cultural background and African roots. They live in impoverished areas, suffering from the lack of common medical necessities and lack of health education. For 5 days, we will be dedicating ourselves to loving, serving, sharing and living among these beautiful people that the world has forgotten: children who know neither father or mother, teenagers who suffer from aids and other diseases, a community who treasures literacy as if it were a Maybach and families who have been deprived from luxuries that we take for granted, like clean water and dependable electricity . We have the privilege to not only pray for them, but to do for them; along side of them. Faith without works is dead, yet works without faith is meaningless, too. As a group, we have accepted the call to be about what we read about. We want you, our family and friends, to feel pride in the fact that we are not ashamed to live and love like Jesus, in spite of a society who feels as if God is obsolete. We know he is real because he's changed our hearts. He's changed our motives and he's given us hope that we want to share.

As we prepare for our journey in March, we really want to ask you all to help us as we help others. The mission will be challenging and we need all the support we can get. Our current group goal to raise is $5,000.00 and with your help, we know that we can accomplish this goal. $5.00 adds up... $100.00 adds up. There is nothing too small that you can give, because God takes the small and multiplies them if the motives are right! Through your giving and our serving, together, we can do a great deal of good and impact the lives of people who the world has forgotten!

Garifuna Community, Roatan, Honduras
If you would like to help us, you can contribute on our Go-Fund-Me page:
Any gift you give is tax deductible and will provide great hope and positive change for families in need. Simply include your email in the message box and we will email your receipt for your personal records. We know that the holidays are approaching; what a great time to share what God has blessed us with! If you are unable to help us financially, please spread the word on social media! Individually, the goal seems impossible, but together, we have an amazing opportunity, filled with great expectations, to change the world through love, action and a willing heart!

Thank you all so very much!
Pearls of Hope

November 15, 2015

Be Thankful in Prayer

As many of you know, my friends and I are getting ready to endeavor upon an out of the country missions trip to Roatan, Honduras. We will be ministering to young women, ages 12-25 (approximately). In our training, we are learning scripture, how to share our testimony and how to leave our comfort zones. At yesterday's training, I grew in my faith from all the sharing and exchanging that went on between my friends and I. It was so powerful to green from everyone's confidence and interpretation of what God is doing in their lives and how they want so much more of Him. It's a powerful thing when you see others seeking the Lord, because, in the best case scenario, it usually causes you to operate in a deeper desire for Him, as well.

In light of the tragedy that is swooping over the whole world, we as Christians have a very unique opportunity to not only pray for those who are hurting and less fortunate than ourselves, but to also lift up our hearts in thankfulness for all God has done, is doing and will continue to do in our lives. There is no telling what my friends and I will encounter in Honduras. There is no telling how truly horrific the lasting affects of the attacks in France have left it's citizens. There is no telling how every day people are suffering in their circumstances, confused in their purposes or weary in their well doing. There is no telling because, in reality, we are truly only ever capable of completely understanding our own situations. We can empathize with people, but we are not mind readers. We cannot assume the issues of others and interpret everything the way that particular individual is interpreting their own situation. We can really only handle our own hurt, confusion, frustration or disappointment. Yet, in spite of where we are or where we may recognize others to be, we have so much to be thankful for.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Sometimes, even though we know in our heads to be thankful, it takes some effort to practice thankfulness from our hearts. So how can we push through the need to complain or fight our feelings of being unsatisfied? How can we ignore our pain that can seem to overwhelm us at times, or how do we overcome our own frustrations and disappointments? How do we forgive world tragedies, like
what's happening in Paris, and really trust that God has it all in control? Well, first, we must recognize that it's normal to have these moments and feelings; it's normal to forget to be thankful. This is why the Bible reminds us, in Colossians, to be thankful in prayer (Colossians 4:2). There are times where we must pray! There are times when all hope seems to be lost, when we cannot stand any longer, when anger wants to swell up within us and when life just seems to be unjust. So, we must pray! For us, for others and for the world! But in our prayers, we must be thankful.

Scripture says that "this world is not my home", (Hebrews 13:14). It's easy to get uneasy and fidgety when you are homesick. Our hearts cry out for more than this world can offer, but while we are in this world, we must realize that God has and will continue to provide for all that we need, in every area of our lives- physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and so on and so forth. He does not have a blind eye to our existence. He sees it all and He cares so greatly. His desire is to give all of His children good things (Matthew 7:11).
No, this does not mean that God will remove all our hard times. More than likely, He will not drop a million dollars in your pocket, or propel you to the top of your career instantly; neither does this mean that the man of your dreams will magically appear and fulfill your every dream and wish. In the experience of life, there will be tears and doubt, but God is love! His provision for our lives consists beyond the material. He wants to provide us with more of Him- more love, peace, patience, grace, mercy, wisdom, worship, truth, joy, light...ect. All these things are summed up in our relationship with Jesus and He longs to give us so much more, if we but only ask! We are not eradicated from the troubles of this life, but through the troubles, God is there and provides what we need in the midst of every storm and season. These provisions allow us to persevere through this life and in this world, that is not our true home. As we continue to grow and pursue Christ, we will live a more thankful life, produced in our hearts out of Love for our AMAZING God and result in prayers that will change what we ourselves cannot! So be thankful, in good times and in trying times, because God is mighty and a constant friend. He will not abandon us in our hour of need.

Yes, the whole entire world seems to keep flipping itself upside down and in spite of our humanitarian efforts, our global donations, our walks for this cause or that cause, even our well intended hugs with friends who need us most, we are of no excuse to loose hope. Life my be chaotic, and things may not always go our way, but we have everything we need in Christ, and therefore, we must choose to be thankful in all things; remembering those who are hurting, of course, and lift them up in prayer.
As we continue living in thankfulness that our God is always there, we are better able to serve and aid those around us who need to know His love! After all, that truly is our purpose: to love people and point them to the God who loves them more. We have a unique opportunity to not only help the physical situations, but to help in the spiritual as well. The truth of the matter is that there is evil in this world, and it's obvious. Its not a person or a particular group of people, it is just the enemy of sin and it  wants to defy God and take away our hope, our love and our attitude of gratitude. But we must be strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10)! We must remain in faith and in His love, because there are people who are counting on our prayers. We must remind ourselves, even in the trials, that God is faithful and will never break His promises. We have so much to be thankful for, because we have a God who loves us!

Here are some scriptures to remind and encourage us all to give thanks, often and sincerely, for all the Lord has done... and really, just because He is! As these scriptures encourage you, let's all continue to pray for the hearts that are hurting in Paris, and all over the world for that matter. In spite of such tragedy, God is still near. He is not ignorant to what is going on. He is not busy doing other things. He sees the pain and He hears the cries. He loves us through our darkest moments and His light will shine when all else fades. I am so thankful to know a God who will one day right all wrongs. If for nothing else, I am thankful for His love, not just for me, but for the entire world.

Ten Reasons Why Christians Should be the Most Thankful:
1. We have been adopted as sons and daughters by the King of the universe (Galatians 4:4-6.)
2. We have been saved from the penalty of sin (Colossians 1:13,14.)
3. We have true security and significance in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10.)
4. We are part of a global fellowship of spiritual brothers and sisters (1 Peter 5:9.)
5. We are being saved from the power of sin (1 Corinthians 1:18.)
6. We have a cause, THE CAUSE, to live for here on earth (Matthew 28:19.)
7. We are engaged in an epic struggle against a dangerous arch enemy…so life’s never
    boring (Ephesians 6:10-12.)
8. We will be saved from the presence of sin someday soon (Philippians 1:5,6.)
9. Our movies are getting better (they had nowhere to go but up…I wish I had Scriptural
     support for this point.)
10. Because Jesus has conquered death we will too! (1 Corinthians 15…the whole
      awesome chapter!)
List provided by Greg Stier, from his website,

November 8, 2015

The Action of Prayer

"I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me"
-Philippians 4:13

People pray a lot. Christians pray a lot. We ask for blessings. We ask for strength. We ask for guidance, purpose, direction, confirmation, husbands, jobs, success, love, faith and the list goes on. But what happens when we get off of our knees? What happens when the pages of scripture is closed and the day begins? Are we motivated to act out our faith? Are we living by Philippians, that we can accomplish anything in Jesus? Do we live as if we cannot fail in Christ?

Time and time again, we get encouraged by other people's stories. We see the effects of prayer in the lives of family members and close friends, even strangers. We read their books, visit their blogs, repost their statuses and admire their relationships with God, but for some reason, we find it hard to grasp the concept that the same God who loves them, loves us. The same God who hears them, hears us. The same God who sees them, sees us, and He is waiting on our action to approach Him in confidence and faith.

A relationship with God is not a VIP members only spot. There will never be a Christian who is better than another. God does not have favorites and He is not more impressed with one person over the next. There is nothing we can do to get more of His attention, we already have it all!!! When we are struggling, He sees us and loves us through it. When we are victorious, He celebrates with us, because He delights in seeing our excitement in Him. Our passions, our drive, our hopes and each complexity of our lives is so very concerning to the Lord and He has given us His precious Holy Spirit to ensure that we accomplish all things that He, Himself, has purposed for us to do. This includes our careers, our future marriages, our current marriages and children, our ideas, our dreams and all of our compartmentalized realities that we face, daily. God is in the midst, but He is waiting for us to acknowledge Him, first and for us to put our faith in Him.

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to You." - James 4:8

When we begin to move past merely acknowledging God and start actively seeking Him, He begins to make Himself known to us in ways unimaginable. He begins to move within our lives and develop His strength within us to do "all things". There is nothing that is beyond God and so therefore there is nothing that is beyond us. His power and His authority become evident in our lives, once we invite God to become evident in our hearts. What once seemed impossible to do, becomes possible with the Lord. Millions of people have experienced this, both in the past and in the present. The tools they all use is active faith in a powerful God. Their stories begin with prayer and end in action. They are not the result of privileged access and their relationship with God is not exclusive. Power spills in their lives because they believe and they walk in answered prayer because their faith produces action and confidence in the Lord. Whats more amazing is that God wants to move in your life as well. He hasn't met His quota with people in the past. He is still eagerly anticipating hearts who are earnestly seeking Him and want more of His presence in their lives.

This week, I'd like to challenge us to act out our faith in the doing, not just in the praying and believing, alone. Believing has it's place. Faith has its place; but faith without works is dead. James teaches us, "But some will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works (James 2:18). We need to move past the act of wanting faith and move into the action of living out our faith. We have all the confirmation we need, through Jesus, and as we live out His word in our lives, He will direct our paths! It's easier said then done, I understand, but the best way to increase your faith is to increase your prayer life. Here are some scriptures that can help you on your way as you develop a life of prayer and take those first steps in seeking  God and drawing close to Him.

Start by asking God to help you believe (Mark 9:24)
Confess any sins (mistakes, struggles, wrongful motives) that you have encountered (1 John 1:9)
Begin to read scripture for understanding, not for information (Proverbs 3:5)
Invite God's presence into your life by seeking Him and His ways (Jeremiah 29:13)
Practice Thankfulness and a willingness to obey (Colossians 3:17)

As you begin to move toward a real relationship with Christ, your prayer life will begin to increase, automatically. You will begin to experience the joy of living in God's presence and the confidence in knowing the Love of God, first hand. Power will begin to grow within you, as you begin to grow in God and the faith required to accomplish all things, will be fed through scripture and through your own experience and journey with Jesus. This process is not without it's ups and downs, but we can be encouraged by knowing that God is not distant; He is ever near, waiting for us to call on His name and desire more of Him in the every day living.

Enjoy the living! Be like Jesus! Love like Jesus!

November 1, 2015

Pearls of Wisdom: 5 Ways to Avoid Making a Mess of Things

When it comes to making mistakes, I am Queen!!! 
I always find myself saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, making wrong assumptions and then feeling completely stupid and embarrassed afterwards. Mistakes follow me because, well... I'm human. I'm impulsive. I'm reactive. And though I want to make wise choices, sometimes, what seems wise at the moment reveals itself to be yet another mistake. Am I alone? Odds are, I'm not. Odds are, you can look back over your life... over the last 30 days even, and recognize some unwise choices you've made. As we mature into adults, the expectation is that we will grow wiser. But wisdom is not a coming of age attribute. It is not acquired by the being or the existing; rather, it is received by the seeking. Wisdom is a spiritual gift and one that must be practiced, pursued and  prayed for. It is not an accidental accomplishment.

King Solomon, the wisest man recorded in scripture, writes several books in the Bible dedicated to  wisdom and how one can acquire it. He uses personification to liken wisdom to a woman: something that should be beautifully desired and cherished. I love that! Wisdom, according to King Solomon, should take on the role of a lover, a sister and an intimate friend (Proverbs 7:4). He also uses illustrations and mistakes from his own life to compose the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiates, which, if you are not aware, will set your heart on the path to wisdom, if you are willing to expose yourself to its truths.
King Solomon, for those of you who do not know, became king at a young age (approximately 20 years old). When asked by the Lord for a gift of his choosing, Solomon answered, "Wisdom and a discerning heart(1 Kings 3:8)Scripture goes on to say that the Lord was very pleased with Solomon's request. As a result, Solomon was not only the wisest, but also the most wealthy of any King in all the world, both in his time and in ours. We cannot imagine or fathom the riches this man possessed: Gold, Jewels, Power, even the Queen of Sheba! But, even among the midst of all of his fame, success and riches, Solomon continued to remind himself and us that wisdom is the most precious of any riches that man can obtain. When it came to wisdom, Solomon was King!

"Take my words to heart. Follow my commands, and you will live. Get wisdom; develop good judgment. Don’t forget my words or turn away from them. Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you. Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you. She will place a lovely wreath on your head; she will present you with a beautiful crown.” My child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life. I will teach you wisdom’s ways and lead you in straight paths. When you walk, you won’t be held back; when you run, you won’t stumble. Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life."
-Proverbs 4:4-13

In this passage, we can uncover the key elements of obtaining wisdom and how this will produce within us a life of success for ourselves and an example for others. Wisdom will crown our lives and provide protection, success, honor, beauty and long life. If we do things God's way, we are guaranteed to experience these elements of prosperity because they are a reward to those who seek wisdom, which, as scripture teaches, comes from God (Proverbs 1:7).

1. First, we must recognize that wisdom is a spiritual principle. It can't be acquired through books or late night cram sessions. It's a condition of the heart; a willingness to live based on the guidance and instruction of the Lord and those who are in spiritual maturity who love you and who lead by example. It's more than simply good advice. Wisdom is rooted in trust and obedience.

2. Although we can become smarter by making our own mistakes and learning from those lessons, true wisdom is exercised by avoiding those mistakes all together. According to Scripture, who ever trusts in their own thoughts is a fool (Proverbs 28:26). Instead of trying to do things on our own, wisdom requires a relinquishing of our pride and an admittance that we need support and direction in this life. By nature, it seems that we are rebellious creatures and we tend to make choices out of haste; yet "Wisdom cries out... since you refuse to listen when I call and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand, since you disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you—when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you"(Proverbs 1: 24-27).
None of us are naturally wise (1 Corintians 3:18)! But those who seek wisdom heed the warnings from those who are spiritually sound and experienced in living life. If we refuse, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the consequences we will surely suffer. It's our generations' misguided downfall that we can live without regrets. This is not true. When we don't heed wisdom, regrets are sure to follow. Wisdom eliminates disaster and distress.

3. The third way to avoid making mistakes is to recognize that Wisdom must be sought after. It won't be an accidental addition to your life. There must be a pursued hunger to gain wisdom. Ways in which to seek after her is through humbling ourselves to ask questions and advice. Pride keeps us from exposing our struggles to others. We don't want people to know that we are lacking in an area or suffering in another, so we keep it to ourselves, avoid people, lie and make excuses; all which scream UNWISE! If we want to truly live in Wisdom, then we must become vulnerable- facing the truth that we all need help and then seeking the necessary people of whom will guide us. The first step in seeking such help is Prayer! As we pray and ask the Lord to expose our hearts, we can also ask Him to guide us towards people who can pour into us, encourage us and guide us in wisdom. Trust me, it might be difficult and even embarrassing, but the alternative can be destructive to our very purpose and path in life.

4. Once we have aligned ourselves with wise people, the next step is to practice wisdom, purposefully. This basically means that acquiring wisdom far exceeds having a good conversation. How does it benefit anyone to hear wisdom, be taught wisdom and then continue to do the opposite?
I for one get very frustrated when people ask my advice and then don't practice it. It's difficult to pour your heart into helping someone, only for them to take your words and essentially disregard them. I by no means am comparing myself to the Spirit of God, but I imagine He gets a little peeved when we have access to scripture and all it's wisdom, yet don't apply it. We are so blessed in this country to have the freedom of accessing wisdom through God's word. We have access to scripture through our Bibles, through church, through the internet and apps. We can download, upload, order and sing scripture if we want to; yet how much of that is laid on the way side, as we neglect this wisdom in order to figure things out on our own? Doing such puts us at a disadvantage: not just spiritually, but practically as well. "Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future" (Proverbs 19:20). Remember, we are not just living haphazardly. There is an enemy that wants us to forget about wisdom. He wants to keep us in the dark so that he can manipulate us and keep us from our victory. Wisdom holds the key to life, but she expects to be pursued.

5. Lastly, Wisdom must be loved. Proverbs states that fools hate wisdom; basically, a fool is one who does everything opposite of what we have been discussing today: They don't understand it's a Spiritual component, they are intent on doing things their own way without any help, they are prideful and won't seek guidance from others and they ignore any advice or warnings that they may receive from those who love them. 

"Apply your heart to wisdom" and "Do not forsake her, and she will keep you; love her, and she will guard you" (Proverbs 23:12/ 4:6). Believe it or not, loving and respecting God is the beginning of all wisdom. A fool says in his heart there is no God (Psalms 14:1). God is wisdom and God is love. When we love God, our natural reaction is to love His wisdom as well, understanding that seeking God means seeking wisdom. It is a simultaneous journey, but the first step is love.

When we live out these principals of wisdom, according to scripture and the leading of God's Spirit, we can most definitely avoid the messes that life so strategically places in our path. When we pursue God, we pursue wisdom, which comes from God and God alone. He is wisdom and therefore is the source to acquiring it. Intellect can be taught, but wisdom is a gift that comes from our Holy Lord. Proverbs 1:7 tells us that the fear of the Lord (to reverence and love God and to respect His commands) is the beginning of all wisdom.

I admit, sometimes, mistakes just happen. It's part of living. When we mess up, it's always smart to learn from these mistakes, but it's wise not to make them at all. In so doing, we save ourselves so much heartache, valuable time and our state of mind. Learn from your mistakes... don't repeat them. But at the same time, pray for wisdom and discernment so as not to even put yourself in the position to make any unnecessary messes. In this way, you reap multiple rewards and honor God at the same time! Wear wisdom like a crown and be prosperous in decisions in all manner of life. We must wantour choices to be lovely and free of stupid mistakes that bring regret and shame. I want my marriage to be lovely... so I must be wise in the way I operate as a wife. I want my friendships to be filled with honor, so I must choose my friends wisely. I want my finances to be secure, so I must use discernment when it comes to making purchases and investments. In life, we have so many options to choose, so many choices to make; life is hard enough without falling prey to poor decisions that will only result in clean ups on isle 12!

*Just for fun, I thought it would be encouraging to share with you wisdom that some of us Pearls have acquired throughout our lifetime and experiences. Below, a few of the girls share lessons that they have learned. I hope it blesses you!

"Make up your mind to not live in excuses or reasons to quit. When things get difficult, use those challenges to shape your character. Running from hard times only prolongs your pain. Don't be afraid to live without compromise for Jesus, because this will eliminate any regret or uncertainty".

"My mom used to always say, "fear is the devil's favorite weapon but we should always use our weapon of faith".

"Keep God first in all that you do! His plans are always better than our plans and He knows which way we should go. Ask for His guidance. Also, cherish the time that you have with your children. Don't let things get in the way of those special moments because time doesn't slow down as they grow! Those are the moments they'll remember and love you for the most!"
-Shari M.

"The best lesson I ever learned from my mom is, 'watch other people so that you know what NOT to do'. I've avoided so many ridiculous mistakes and embarrassments by this simple piece of advice!"

"Make the necessary sacrifices early so that you can live the life you dreamed of later. Follow the Holy Spirit with your whole heart. Live in truth and trust! Enjoy your entire journey and look for positive lessons that are birthed out of your afflictions. Don't make excuses when you fall short of God's standards. Ask the Lord to change your heart."
-Brandi B.

Love Wisdom my Sisters!
